AMS Fulfillment

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For over 20 years, AMS Fulfillment has delivered reliable, accurate, and scalable order fulfillment services to major brands across a wide array of industries – from popular eCommerce and retail stores to B2B sellers. If you’re looking for a better fulfillment partner, your success is inside. As the operational arm to your business, AMS recognizes the critical role we play in your business success and how our services can shape the perception of your brand in the marketplace. AMS sets the standard for proactive, intuitive, and responsive service while providing high-volume shipping and scalability as an order fulfillment center company.

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Retail & Wholesale


Building & Personnel Services

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AMS is a business that places JEDI high on the list of our Core Values. JEDI is a convenient way of saying Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. It refers to the efforts a business is making to create meaningful, systemic change toward more equitable environment. AMS’ Chief Workforce Development Officer, Ken Wiseman, has defined the terms below. Diversity is when by design or good fortune, your mix of employees from underserved communities, in terms of their race, gender, sexual preference, judicial background, presence of disabilities, at least mirrors the community in which you do business or the community for which you serve. Sustainable logistics is ultimately a win-win for all parties.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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