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Alkira reinvents networking for the cloud era with global unified network infrastructure delivered as-a-service. The Alkira Cloud Networking platform is a solution that offers enterprises a dramatically simplified experience for deploying global, high-speed hybrid and multi-cloud networks connecting users, sites, and clouds with integrated network and security services, end-to-end day-2 operational visibility, advanced controls, and governance. There is no need to procure hardware, deploy complicated do-it-yourself software solutions, or learn cloud networking architectures. Just draw your network on an intuitive digital design canvas, provision it in one click, and start using it in minutes. Alkira Network Cloud is trusted by the global Fortune-100 enterprises, leading system integrators, and managed service providers.

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Alkira’s primary environmental impact is in promoting efficient cloud networking. Alkira helps clients reduce their carbon emissions by providing network solutions that streamline traffic and minimize unnecessary data transfers. By optimizing network routes and reducing the energy required for data transmission, the company indirectly contributes to mitigating climate change and achieving environmental sustainability, aligning with broader environmental goals. Alkira prioritizes secure data transmission and network protection, helping clients safeguard sensitive information and comply with data protection regulations. Alkira places a strong emphasis on ethical business practices within the cloud networking industry. This includes transparent dealings with clients, adherence to industry standards, and responsible product development.

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