Alexander Thompson Arnold PLLC

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Alexander Thompson Arnold PLLC is one of the largest accounting and consulting firms in the Mid-South and was named the ninth (9th) largest accounting firm in the State of Tennessee by American Business Journals. Since 2015, ATA has been named a Top 200 Firm by INSIDE Public Accounting. With all the resources and knowledge of a large firm, ATA focuses on its clients’ individual needs. Your success is our mission. Mission: ATA creates and implements proven business and financial strategies that guide our clients to success.

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Accounting Services


Accounting & Tax

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Not only do we sponsor financially, but our team volunteers their personal time and resources. Annually, ATA donates over $300,000 and spends over 5,000 hours supporting our local communities throughout Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Mississippi. Create & implement proven business & financial strategies that guide our clients to success. We are the premier source of accounting & advisory services helping clients achieve their goals.

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