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Aladdin’s Eatery Systems, Inc. strives to lead the way in serving healthy, nutritious Lebanese/American food in a relaxed, casual and smoke-free atmosphere with superior service. Founded in 1994 by Fady and Sally Chamoun, their dream has become a highly successful business promoting health and friendliness.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

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At Aladdin’s Eatery, we take pleasure in serving our guests healthy and flavorful Lebanese-American foods that align with their dietary preferences and requirements. We believe in treating our guests with Lebanese hospitality by adhering to high standards for quality service and providing an elegant and sophisticated dining experience in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. At Aladdin’s, we are dedicated to providing natural and freshly prepared foods. Our menu is free from sulfites and preservatives and we use imported extra virgin olive oil in our homemade sauces and salad dressings. Our menu includes a wide variety of meals for every palate, with over 40 vegetarian dishes, 30 vegan dishes, 40 gluten-free dishes and 40 meat and chicken dishes (antibiotic-free). We also offer a variety of smoothies, raw juices, natural herbal teas and a dessert cooler featuring cakes, cheesecakes, truffles and more. With all these options, there’s truly something for everyone at Aladdin’s! Sahtain!

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