AI Signal Research Inc. (ASRI)

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AI Signal Research provides leading edge products and services to the aerospace, defense and high-technology commercial industries. Beginning with vibration signal analysis support to Marshall Space Flight Center for the Space Shuttle Main Engine in the early 1990s, ASRI has grown to provide diverse Test and Evaluation, Engineering Research and Development, System Engineering, Training, Logistics, Program Management, Human Capital and Business Operations.

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AI and machine learning


Information Technology Support Services

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Our mission at ASRI is to support our government customers and industry partners in providing technical and programmatic solutions to develop, improve and sustain complex aerospace and defense systems. By promoting a People-Oriented Corporate Culture to enhance employee morale. By providing professional development and career advancement opportunities to enhance employee performance. AI Signal Research, Inc. is committed to provide cleared, qualified and experienced personnel to its customers, ensuring the highest quality of onsite professional and technical support services. Our goal is to ensure project success and total continuity of services in satisfying all applicable requirements. We achieve this through continual improvement of everything we do. To ensure our customers receive the best value support and top quality service/products by fostering a corporate environment that promotes innovation and continuous self-improvement in all aspects of our mission. To ensure our customers receive the best value support and top quality service/products by fostering a corporate environment that promotes innovation and continuous self-improvement in all aspects of our mission. People-oriented corporate values & culture are key to achieve our goal of customer satisfaction.

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