8×8 Inc

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8×8, Inc. (NYSE:EGHT) cloud solutions help businesses transform their customer and employee experience. With one system of engagement for voice, video, collaboration and contact center and one system of intelligence on one technology platform, businesses can now communicate faster and smarter to exceed the speed of customer expectations. Mission: 8×8 is committed to providing businesses with reliable, flexible and scalable cloud-based communications and collaboration solutions that embody the highest standards of quality, innovation, and ease of use at affordable prices. Our Culture: Our company is strengthened by the cultural diversity of our workforce. People from diverse cultures bring unique language skills, new ways of thinking, creative solutions to difficult problems and global negotiating skills. Thanks to our cultural diversity, 8×8 is a much more interesting place to work.

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Cloud Computing


Enterprise Software & Network Solutions

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We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical, legal, and socially responsible manner and expect our supply chain to conduct their business activities in the same manner. When selecting our third party service providers, safety and quality are key criteria.

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