2 Degrees

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Two Degrees is a talent resources firm providing professionals on an interim, project or direct placement basis with experience in a variety of areas such as accounting, finance, performance management, business intelligence and analytics, among others. The name Two Degrees is based on the theory of two degrees of separation, where our customers and employees or candidates are connected through Two Degrees. Since starting our business in 1993, Two Degrees has built a solid reputation as being a well-networked company that matches and connects our talented professionals to teams in companies ranging in size from emerging to enterprise. Everyone wins when our customers meet their business goals with the influence of the teams we built together and also when all team members experience rewarding careers along the way. Our purpose is to enable our customers, employees and candidates to realize their own purpose.

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Accounting Services


Accounting & Tax

ESG/Ethical Impact

Our mission towards sustainability begins with focusing on reducing our environmental impact from today, and extends all the way down to choosing products, services, and partners that are as committed to sustainability as we are. We are constantly working on ways to reduce our carbon footprint that’s consistent with the International Greenhouse Gas Protocol (IGGP) and are committed to setting Science-based Targets. Sustainability and purpose are now at the core of our partnership selection. We are adopting processes to help ensure each of our partners and suppliers reflect our values along with our social and environmental requirements. In FY23 we held a series of internal workshops with key stakeholders to identify our climate-related risks and formally integrate these into our Risk Management Framework. The climate-related risks followed the established process of being analysed, evaluated, and mitigated at a business unit level. Climate change poses a risk to every business. Here at 2degrees the relevant business owner proactively identifies and manages climate-related risks related to their area of expertise.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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